齐天大圣 (2001)
"American journalist Nick Orton is caught up in the world of Chinese gods and monsters while on a search for the long lost manuscript to 'Hsi Yu Chi' (The Journey to the West) by Wu Ch'eng En. He is accompanied on his journey by a humanoid ape with incredible strength and magical powers, a humanoid pig-man, and his brother-in-arms, an ex-cannibal. Based on one of the greatest stories in Chinese history. 在這個美國版的西遊記當中,因HALLMARK屬於闔家觀賞的頻道,性感的白靈飾演的觀世音菩薩衣著還算保守,但這位白靈觀音將與洋人唐三藏有感情戲,兩人還將穿梭時空三千年,跑到現代來相會,把觀世音與唐三藏視為羅密歐與茱麗葉。而主角唐三藏由尼克‧歐頓飾演,型式則像是電動玩具當中的戰士,要在觀世音與羅素飾演的美猴王帶領之下,到神祕的東方找尋力量與愛的真義,劇中當然少不了好萊塢最厲害的電腦特效。儘管這個美國版的《西遊記》將原著的故事改得面目全非,但中國傳奇故事本身獨特的戲劇性與想像力,一直讓外國電視電影工作者忍不住動手動腳大改特改。最近還傳說《印第安納‧瓊斯》最新一集的故事也想取材西遊記,讓瓊斯博士跟大小妖魔混戰,看來古典小說迷往后還將會受到不少驚嚇。"