劳莱与哈台之飞天两条友 (1939)
"一个胖子和一个瘦子,他们约定去外闯荡。胖子说死后想变成马,瘦子说还想做自己。\n他们二人爱上一个姑娘,可是姑娘不理会他们。于是胖子决定要跳海死,跳海前遇到一个军官,军官劝说他们参军。\n在军营里,他们演出了一场场的闹剧。最后竟然发现,军官是那位姑娘的未婚夫。\n胖子和瘦子被抓进了牢房,他们俩又逃了出来,最后跑到了飞机里面,阴错阳差的驾驶着飞机跑了,但最后飞机坠毁,胖子死了,瘦子无恙。\n瘦子回到家乡,听见一匹马叫自己,那马说自己是胖子。于是两个朋友又见面了…\nOliver is heartbroken when he finds that Georgette, the inkeeper's daughter he's fallen in love with, is already married to dashing For eign Legion officer Francois. To forget her, he joins the Legion, taking Stanley with him. Their bumbling eventually gets them charged with desertion and sentenced to a firing squad. They manage to escape in a stolen airplane, but crash after a wild \n(正在采用) (你提供的)"